
Region: City: Tlz/Parking:
Estensione ZTL
Orario e giorni di funzionamento
Veicoli Ammessi
Soggetti Autorizzati
Orario accesso per carico e scarico
Accesso disabili
Clienti di Alberghi e Affittacamere o Case di riposo
Permessi temporanei
Se sono entrato senza autorizzazione posso sanare la mia posizione
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Sassari Restricted Area: Map, Time, Parkings, Cameras


ZTL Areas (AR)

Where enforced cameras are

ZTL working time and days

Admitted vehicles

Authorized people

Time for loading and unloading goods

Disabled access

Hotel guests access

Temporary permits

If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?

Competent Office

City website

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ZTL Areas (AR)

ZTL Sassasri didn't work since 2 September  2019
Sassari restricted area (ZTL Sassari)
covers all the historic center and its boundary concerns: Viale Umberto; Via Manno; Corso Margherita di Savoia; Via Torre Tonda; Via Arborea; Via capo d'oro; Via Università; Piazza Università; Largo Porta Nuova; Corso Margherita di Savoia; Via e Largo Macao; Via Maddalena;Piazza Duomo; Via al Duomo; Via Margherita di Castelvì; Via al Duomo; Piazza Mazzotti; Via Pais; Corso Vittorio Emanuele; Via Rosello; Via Mercato; Archivolto del Carmine; Viale Umberto.

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Where enforced cameras are
ZTL Sassasri didn't work since 2 September  2019
Access to Sassari ZTL is watched by 6 cameras located in:
  • gate 1: Via Brigata Sassari, intersection Via Margherita di Savoia (Emiciclo Garibaldi); (not working now)
  • gate 2: Via Cavour, intersection Via Manno;
  • gate 3: Via Spano, intersection Viale Umberto;
  • gate 4: Via Politeama, intersection Viale Umberto;
  • gate 5: Via Margherita di Castelvì, intersection Piazza Mazzotti;
  • gate 6: Via Arcivescovado, intersection Largo Porta Nuova;
  • gate 7: Piazza Castello

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ZTL working time and days
ZTL Sassasri didn't work since 2 September  2019
Sassari ZTL  worked every day :
  • Via Spano gate from 0.00 to 24.00
  • Via Brigata Sassari gate doesn't work
  • Via Cavour, Via Arcivescovado, Via Polietama e via Margherita di Castelvi  gate from 0.00 to 9.00 and from 10,30 to 19.00.

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Admitted vehicles

ZTL Sassasri didn't work since 2 September  2019
In Sassari Restricted Area (Sassari ZTL ), only four wheel vehicles coldn't enter without any authorization, therefore motorcycles and scooters can enter without any problem.

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Authorized people

ZTL Sassasri didn't work since 2 September  2019
The following kinds of people could enter in Sassari ZTL without any authorization:

  • Police;
  • Bycicles;
  • Motorcycles and scooters.

The following kinds of people can get authorization to enter in Sassari ZTL:

  • Residents;
  • Police;
  • Civil Protection;
  • Public transport;
  • Taxi;
  • Private Park owners;
  • Shoopkeepers;
  • Visiting Doctors;
  • Disabled people;
  • Home care:
  • Delivery goods;
  • Hotel guests;
  • Public Administrations;
  • Press;
  • Armoureds;
  • Electric vehicles.

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Time for loading and unloading goods
ZTL Sassasri didn't work since 2 September  2019
Couries and company in ZTL could delivery goods in Sassari ZTL: 7:00-20:00.
Shop keeper vehicles ZTL could delivery goods in Sassari ZTL: from 7:00 to 11:00 and from 15:30 to 18:00 (parking no longer than 30 minutes).

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disabled access

ZTL Sassasri didn't work since 2 September  2019
Disabled people could enter in Sassari ZTL. They must fill in the application (resident or not resident).

They could give only 2 number plates .

If you need to enter without any authorization you have to inform Local Police within 7 days since you entered sending the application.
You must give the following information:
  • Plate number,
  • Date and time you entered,
  • Disabled permit.

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Hotel guests access
ZTL Sassasri didn't work since 2 September  2019
Hotel guests could enter in Sassari ZTL for loading and unloading luggage.
It was up the hotel to say car plate to Local Police.

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Temporary permits

ZTL Sassasri didn't work since 2 September  2019
We didnt have any notice about temporary permit to access in Sassari Restricted Area.

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If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?
ZTL Sassasri didn't work since 2 September  2019
If you had got in Sassari Restricted Area without any authorization you could't avoid a fine except urgenties.
In these cases, you had to inform Local Police within 7 days since you entered by filling in the application and sending it to Local Police.
You must attach it:
  •  vehicle registration;
  • documntation proving urgenties;
  • driver license.

There was these particular cases, too:

  • Disabled people or Hotel guests
  • Chemist's customers if it is working at night or on Sunday

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Competent Office

Polizia Municipale Sassari

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City website

www. comune.Sassari

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