LTZ Milan: warning there isn't only Area C
Time for loading and unloading goods
If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?
ZTL Areas (AR)
In Milan there are same ZTL enforcement by cameras with different rules; the most important ones are:
- via Legnano
- Via di Porta Tenaglia
- via Moscova
- Via Volta
- corso Garibaldi
- via Milazzo
- via Castelfidardo
- via Turati
- corso Venezia
- via Vitali
- via Rossini
- via Rossini
- corso Monforte
- via Mascagni
- Corso di Porta Vittoria;
- via Besana
- corso di porta Romana
- via Curtatone
- via Madree Cabrini
- via Bianca di Savoia
- via Melegnano
- via Aruspa
- via Panzeri
- via Ronzoni
- corso di Porta Genova
- via Ausonio
- Sant'Agostino
- via Servio Tullio
- via Bandello
- via San Vittore
- via Boccaccio
- via XX settembre
- via Bazzoni
- via Mascheroni
- via Monti
- viale Miltono
- corso di Porta Vittoria (bus lane)
- via lamormora (bus lane)
- corso di Porta Vigentina(bus lane)
- corso Italia (bus lane)
- corso di Porta Ticinese (bus lane)
- corso Magenta (bus lane)
- via Olivetani (bus lane)
- via Paoli,
- via Borsi,
- via Magolfa,
- Alzaia Naviglio Pavese (side XXIV Maggio),
- Ripa di Porta Ticinese (intersection con via Valenza).
- vie Pichi,
- Via Borsi .
- Via Casale
- Via Alazai Naviglio Grande
- Via Bersanti
Access to Milan Arco della Pace ZTL is watched by 5 cameras located in:
- Via Domenico Cirillo
- Corso Sempione (corsia preferenziale)
- Via Abbondio San Giorgio
- Via Giuseppe Francesco Piermarini
- Via Mario Pagano
Access to Milan Corso Garibaldi ZTL is watched by 3 cameras located in:
- Corso Garibaldi 117
- Corso Garibaldi 60
- Corso Garibaldi 3
Access to Milan Paolo Sarpi ZTL is watched by 7 cameras located in:
- Via Bertini angolo via Procaccini
- Via Lomazzo angolo via Procaccini
- Via Gianbattista Niccolini angolo via Procaccini
- Via Bramante angolo via Procaccini
- Via Giorgione angolo Viale Montello
- Via Bramante (Corsia Prefernziale)
- Via Balestrieri angolo via Canonica
Public transport ZTL works from 0.00 to 24.00; the following streets are enforcement by cameras:
- Via Senato
- Via Francesco Sforza
- via santa Sofia
- Via Carducci
- Via Stelvio
- Viale Sondrio
- Via Tonale
- Via pergolesi
- Viale isonzo
- Via Toscana
- Viale Tibaldi
- Via Liguria
- viale Cassala
- Piazzale delle Milizie
- Viale Tryoa
- Viale Misurata
- Viale Bezzi
- viale Ranzoni
- Viale Murillo
- piazzale Lugano
- via Catena
- via Torino
- Galleria Unione
- Via san Clemente
- via XXII marzo
- Via XXII giugno
- Via XXII Marzo
- Corso Forlanini
- via Manzoni
- Via Mazzini
- via Mazzini
- Via Teulie
- via teulie
- Via Broletto
- Via san Prospero
- via Meravigli
- Via Garibaldi
- corso di porta Vigentina
- Via Lazzaretto
- Via Manabrea
- Via Farini
- Piazza San Babila
- Via Filzi
- Via Filzi
- Via Andrea Doria
- Viale Coni Zugna
- Viale Toni Zugna
- Corso Sempione
- Via Sesto San Giovanni
- Via Ripa Ticinese
- Via Brera
- Via De Amicis
- piazzale Tripoli
ZTL working time and days
Milan Area C works from Monday to Friday (working day) from 7.30 to 19.30;
Area C doesn't work on not working days.
All private and commercial vehicles must activate ticket entrance for access in Cerchia dei Bastioni ZTL.
You must put into action a ticket entrance if you want to enter in Milan Area C. All the accesses in Cerchia dei Bastioni ZTL must be activated on the same day of the entrance or by midnight of the day after or by seven days after the entrance. In the last case you will have to pay more.
You can buy the tickect by MyAreaC. The ticket worth 5 euro can be purchased at the parking meters, newsagents, tobacconists, ATM points (Milan Transport Company), at the ATMs of Intesa Sanpaolo, online on this site (www.areac.it) in “Servizi Online” (online services), or calling the call center at the number + 39.02.48684001 and in conventioned garages.
Ther are two kinds of tickets:- seven days after : you must put into action by midnight of the seventh day after the access in Cerchia dei Bastioni ZTL . It costs 15 euro .
- 24 ore :it must be activated no later than midnight of the next day access, by sending an SMS message, calling the Call center, by visiting the website www.areac.it or in the municipal offices. There is an exception for the coupon purchased in garages that must be activated by midnight of the same day in which you made the access. It costs euro 5,00;
Cerchia dei Bastioni ZTL resident has some benefits.
You can activate benefit:
- by Service on line,
- by call center 39.02.486.84001 ,
- go to municipal office in via Beccaria 19.
If you use pubbic parking you can have some benefits.
Vehicles longer than 7,5 meters can't enter in Area C when it is working.Pedestrian Area works from 00.00 to 24.00 every day.
Milan Navigli ZTL works every day from 20.00 to 07.00.
Via Fumagalli Navigli ZTL works every day from 0.00 to 24.00.
Milan Arco della Pace ZTL works everyday from 22.00 to 04.00.
Milan Corso Garibaldi ZTL works everyday from 0.00 to 24.00.
Milan Paolo Sarpi ZTL and APU works everyday from 0.00 to 24.00.
Admitted vehicles
In Milan Area C Restricted Area (Milan Area C), only four wheel vehicles can't enter without authorization, therefore motorcycles and scooters can enter without any problem.
Zero Emmission vehicles can be authorized to enter.
Vehicles longer than 7.5 meters are forbidden to enter.
Exemption is provided for those vehicles transporting people with disabilities, subjected to life-saving treatments or for those who must go to the first aid.
It is also forbidden to enter in Area C Milan for:
- Diesel Euro 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4;
- Petrol Euro 0
In Milan Navigli Restricted Area (Milan Navigli ZTL ), any kind of vehicles can't enter without any authorization, even motorcycles and scooters must be allowed to enter.
In Milan Arco della Pace Restricted Area (Milan Arco della Pace ZTL ), only four wheel vehicles can't enter without any authorization, therefore motorcycles and scooters can enter without any problem.
In Milan Corso Garibaldi Restricted Area (Milan Corso Garibaldi ZTL ), only four wheel vehicles can't enter without any authorization, therefore motorcycles and scooters can enter without any problem.
Vehicles longer than 7,5 meters can't enter in Paolo Sarpi ZTL when it is working.In Milan Paolo Sarpi Pedestrian Area (Milan Paolo Sarpi APU ), any kind of vehicles can't enter without any authorization, even motorcycles and scooters must be allowed to enter.
Authorized people
The following kinds of people can enter in Milan Area C ZTL without any authorizations:
- Electric vehicles ;
- Motorcycles and scooters.
The following kinds of people can pay ticket and get authorization to enter in Milan Area C ZTL:
- Petrol Euro 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5
- Diesel Euro 5
- “Euro 3” diesel vehicles belonging to residents (not longer than 14th October 2017)
If you want to know fare or how to activate ticket, check Fare.
The following kinds of people can get authorization to enter in Milan ZTL:
- Public utilities
- Constructions
- Armoureds
- Heatings
- Mail vehicles
- Roadside assistences
Public transport vehicles longer more than 7 meters can enter in Milan Area C ZTL without authorization.
The following Vehicles Petrol Euro 0 and diesel Euro 0, 1, 2, 3,4 can enter in Milan Area C ZTL :
- Vehicles for disabled people with a registered disabled persons badge
- Ill people
- Police, mail vehicles, Ambulances,
- Social workers
- Hospital and Asl vehicles inside Cerchia dei Bastioni
- Ambulances,
- Public transport and taxi
The following vehicles can enter in Area C Milan without paying ticket:
Automatically recognixet by cameras
Elettric vehicles
Motorcycles and scooters
Police and military
Cleaning streets
It is possible to enter in Milan Arec C saying their number plate for:
disabled people
ill people
bifuel petrol /GPL or Methan, made after
Police and military
Taxi and NCC
Public transport
Social operators
Car sharing
Vehicle maneging bike sharing;
Vehicles checking public transport
Public Administration
Doctors on call
Doctors in urgenties
Diplomatic corps
It is forbidden to enter and park for:
- Diesel Euro 0, 1, 2 , 3 and 4 (excluded authorized)
- Petrol Euro 0
- vehicles longer than 7,50 meters
At the end of sperimental time, there is an exception for these kinds of vehicles:
- Public transport
- Residents, Dimorants or park owners of vehicles diesel Euro 3 without filter
- Delivery goods, diesel Euro 3 with filter for Public utilities
- Car schools
The following kinds of people can enter in Milan Area C ZTL saying their number plate:
- Public utilities
- constructions
- Armoureds
- Heatings
- Mail vehicles
- Roadside assistences
The following kinds of people can enter in Milan Navigli Pedestrian area :
residents and dimorants in Pedestrian area
private car park owners only for their area
taxi and NCC
The following kinds of people can enter in Milan Navigli ZTL :
private car park owners
taxi and NCC
other vehicle authorizated by law.
residents and Dimorants in ZTL
residents and Dimorants in Area B
residents and Dimorants in Area C
delivery goods
police and emergency vehicles.
The following kinds of people can enter in Milan Arco della Pace ZTL :
- Ambulances;
- Car park owners;
- Police;
- Residents;
- Authorized people;
- Disabled people;
The following kinds of people can enter in Milan Corso Garibaldi ZTL :
- Ambulances;
- Car park owners;
- Police;
- Residents;
- Authorized people;
- Disabled people;
The following kinds of people can enter in Milan Paolo Sarpi ZTL :
- Vehicles less long than 7,5 meters
The following kinds of people can enter in Milan Paolo Sarpi Pedestrian area :
- Delivery goods ,
- bycicles,
- taxi
No time limit for:
- elettric, Hybrid, gpl and methane vehicles;
- petrol Euro 3, 4 e 5;
- diesel Euro 5.
It is forbidden all time for pre Euro and euro 1 petrol and diesel.
Time slot for other vehicles is:
- petrol Euro 2 from 7.30 to 9.30 and from 14.00 to 19.30 (excepted perishable goods from 14.00 to 16.00);
- petrol Euro 2 and Euro 1 can't enter from 7.30 to 19.30.
Authorized vehicles can deliver goods in Milan Arco della Pace ZTL without any time slots.
Authorized vehicles can deliver goods in Milan Corso Garibaldi ZTL from Monday to Saturday from 8.00 to 11,00 .
Authorized vehicles can deliver goods in Milan Paolo Sarpi ZTL from Monday to Saturday from 10.00 to 12,30 and from 17.15 to 18.30.
Authorized vehicles can deliver food and dinks in Milan Paolo Sarpi ZTL from Monday to Saturday from 6.00 to 7,30,too.
Authorized vehicles can deliver press in Milan Paolo Sarpi ZTL every day from 6.00 to 7,30,too.
Authorized vehicles can deliver goods in Milan Paolo Sarpi Pedestrian Area from Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 12,00 and from 16.00 to 17.00.
disabled access
Disabled people can always enter in Area C di Milano with these rules:
- Disabled people with a registered disabled persons badge
- Specific vehicles for disabled people (art.203, 1°comma, lettera h del D.p.R. 495/92), petrol Euro 0 and diesel Euro 0, 1, 2 e 3, too
There are two possibilities, for disabled people to enter in Area C Milan :
- If you have already told your number plate to Local Administration you haven't to do anything else
- If you have never told your plate number you must fill in the application and send it, with attach disabled permit and vehicle registration, choosing among:
- fax number 02.88457056
- certified mail to Direzione Centrale Mobilità e Ambiente - Via Beccaria 19, 20122 - Milano
- e-mail mta.parcheggi@comune.milano.it
For more information, you can call phone number 02 02 02, working from Monday to Saturday from 8.00 to 20.00.
They must pay fare for entrance.
Temporary permits
Every ticket you buy to enter in Area C di Milan is a daily ticket. Fare is valid for all the accesses you do on this day.
Local Police. may give temporary access authorizations in Milan Restricted Area after production of motion.
If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?
There are two ways to avoid a fine for not authorized access in Area C Milan:
- Postponed payment within 7 days: you must activate it since midnight of the seventh day after your entrance: Fare 15 euro .
- Payment within 24 hours: you must activate it within midnight of the day after your entrance: Fare euro 5,00;
If you activate agreed upon parking ticket on the entrance day, the fare is 3.00. The fare is 3 Euro if you pay by Telepass or RID, too.
If you got in the other Milan Restricted Area without any authorization you can't avoid a fine.
Competent Office
City website
Reliability: good
Update Date: 05/03/2019
Type: stable
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