A pedestrian area concerning the following streets:
via Vittorio Emanuele,
piazza XXIX Maggio (from viale Oberdan and via IV Novembre and from via IV Novembre to via XX Settembre ),
piazza San Bernardino da Siena,
piazza Petrucci,
piazza Diaz,
piazza Franceigena,
piazza del Rivellino
all crossing streets between via XX Settembre and via IV Novembre
two ZTL concerning:
Piazza XXIX Maggio/Via Tabarrani (from Palazzo Littorio, to Via XX Settembre), Via XX Settembre, Via delle Muretta (from Piazza XXIX Maggio), Piazza S.Bernardino.
Contrada S. Croce, Via IV Novembre (from Viale Oberdan toContrada Palmerini).
In Camaiore Restricted Area (Camaiore ZTL ), any kind of vehicles can't enter without any authorization, even motorcycles and scooters must be allowed to enter.
Vehicles for disabled people can always enter in Camaiore ZTL. If you need to enter we advice to contact Local Police. within 48 hours since you entered. You must give the following information:
If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?
If you got in Camaiore Restricted Area without any authorization you can't avoid a fine except Disabled people or urgenties. In these cases, you have to inform Local Police. within 48 hours since you entered.
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