Cecina Restricted Area: Map, Time, Parkings, Cameras
Time for loading and unloading goods
If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?
ZTL Areas (AR)
Cecina restricted area (ZTL Cecina) is divided into two different areas.piazza Cavour, via Amedeo, via Rogadeo e piazza Cattedrale.
- ZTL Historic center
- ZTL Cecina sea
Cecina Historic center restricted area (ZTL Cecina Historic center) concerns the following streets of the historic center:
- Corso Matteotti (from Viale Marconi to Via Diaz),
- Piazza della Chiesa,
- Vicolo S. Giuseppe,
- V.lo Bargilli,
- V.lo S. Leopoldo,
- part of Piazza Guerrazzi
Cecina sea restricted area (ZTL Cecina sea) concerns the following streets of the historic center:
- Viale della Vittoria from via Rossetti to via Fortezza
- Via Gioia
- Via Rizzo
- Via Millo
- via da Verrazzano
- via Cagni
- via Da Noli
- Via Pessagno
- Via Badiserra
- Via Siena
- Corso Matteotti intersection Viale Marconi; (entrance)
- Corso Matteotti intersection Via Diaz (exit).
- Vicolo San Giuseppe intersection P.Carducci
- Viale Della Vittoria intersection via Gioa
- Via Siena intersection Viale della Vittoria
- Via Baldiserra intersection viale galliano
- Via F.Gioia intersection Viale Galliano
- Via Firenze intersection Viale della Vittoria
ZTL working time and days
Cecina center ZTL works every day from 0.00 to 24.00.
Cecina Sea ZTL works :
- from 1° April to 31 October every day from 0.00 to 24.00
- from 1° November to 31 March
- from 0.00 to 24.00 on Friday, on Saturday and on Sunday
- from 0.00 to 18.00 on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday and on Thursday
Admitted vehicles
In Cecina Restricted Area (Cecina ZTL ), any kind of vehicles can't enter without any authorization, even motorcycles and scooters must be allowed to enter.
Authorized people
The following kinds of people can enter in Cecina ZTL :
- Local Administration;
- Police;
- Ambulances;
- Funeral companies;
- Taxi and NCC;
- Public utilities;
- Voluntary organizations.
The following kinds of people can get authorization to enter in Cecina ZTL:
- Residents;
- Private Park owners;
- Delivery goods;
- Visiting Doctors;
- Public utilities;
- Vehicles for disabled people with a registered disabled persons badge.
- ZTL di Cecina Centro on working days 7,00/11,00 - 14,00/15,30 parking no longer than 30 minutes.
- ZTL Cecina Mare: 6,00/11,00 and 14,00/15,30, parking no longer than 30 minutes
From 21,00 to 1,00, in See Cecina ZTL from May to September disabled people can't enter.
Hotel guests can enter in Cecina Sea ZTL for loading and unloading luggage.
It is up the hotel to say car plate to Local Police.
- occurencies
- delivery bulky goods
- visting doctors
- occurencies
- market
- services
- constructions
- move
- weddings
- funerals
- unpredictable cases
In these cases, you have to inform Local Police within 48 hours since you entered.
Competent Office Permit office
Located in: via Marrucci – Cecina
phone: 0586.681146
Email: PEO ztlcecina@nfcoop.it;
Opening time: on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 9 to 12, On Sunday from 9 to 14.
City website
Update Date: 12/07/2020
Type: new
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