Forte dei Marmi Restricted Area: Map, Time, Parkings, Cameras
Time for loading and unloading goods
If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?
ZTL Areas (AR)
Forte dei Marmi ZTL changes during the year.
in winter it concerns:
- Via Mazzini from Via Michelangelo e Via Risorgimento (ZTL) e nel tratto
- from Via Risorgimento to la Piazza Garibaldi (APU) Via Milano
- Via Balilla
- Via dei Mille
- Via Solferino from Via Matteotti to Via Mazzini
- Via Risorgimento from Via Trento to Via Matteotti
- Via Barsanti from Via Stagi ed il civ. 5 di Via Barsanti
- Via Pascoli from Via Matteotti to Via Mazzini
- Via Stagio Stagi from Via Risorgimento to Via Barsanti (ZTL) to nel tratto
- from Via Barsanti to Piazza Garibaldi (APU)
- Via Roma (APU)
- Via Carducci from Piazza Garibaldi to Via V.Veneto/Piazza Marconi (APU) e
- from Via V. Veneto /Piazza Marconi (ZTL)
- Piazza Marconi from Viale della Repubblica to Via Carducci and from Viale Morin to Via Carducci
- Viale della Repubblica
- Via Matteotti from Via Spinetti to Piazza Marconi
- Via Vittorio Veneto from Via Carducci to Via Mascagni
- Via Piave from Via Carducci to Via Mascagni
- Via Idone
- Via della Pace
- Via Palestro
- Via IV Novembre from Via Matteotti to Via Stagi (APU)
- Via IV Novembre from Via Matteotti to Viale della Repubblica (ZTL)
- Via Montauti (APU)
- Via Stagio Stagi from piazza Garibaldi to Via V. Veneto (ZTL 0-24)
In sumer ZTL concerns winter ZTL and the following streets:
- Via Duca d'Aosta e
- Via Spinetti from Via Trento/Via Mascagni to la Via Matteotti.
- Via S. Ermete
- Via C. Del Prete
- Via Spinetti
- Via Duca d'Aosta-via Trento
- Via Mazzini - Via Michelangelo
- Via Risorgimento - via Trento
- Via Piave- Via Mascagni
- Via Carducci - Via Giorgini
ZTL working time and days
Winter Forte dei Marmi ZTL works on not working days from 14:30 to 20:00.
Summer ZTL works every day, from 1° June to 16 September,
- On Working days from 17:00 to 06:00,
- On Not Working days from 00:00 to 24:00
Admitted vehicles
In Forte dei Marmi Restricted Area (Forte dei Marmi ZTL ), any kind of vehicles can't enter without any authorization, even motorcycles and scooters must be allowed to enter.
Authorized people
The following kinds of people can get authorization to enter in Forte dei Marmi ZTL:
- Residents;
- Dimorants;
- Delivery goods;
- Police and Public Administrations;
- Artisans;
- Hotel guests;
- Public utilities;
- Doctors;
- Armoureds;
- hotels out from ZTL/APU;
- Private car park owners ;
- Pregnancy women and childreen 1 year old;
- Doctors;
Police, first aid, taxi can enter.
Public transport must tell to local policy its plate number .
Motorcycles and scooters can enter in ZTL..
If you need to enter without any authorization you have to inform Local Police within 48 hours since you entered.
You must give the following information:
- Plate number,
- Date and time you entered,
- Disabled permit.
It is up the hotel to say car plate to Local Police.
- Chemist's customers if it is working at night or on Sunday;
- Disabled people
- NCC;
- Electric vehicles;
Competent Office
Local Police Forte dei Marmi
via Mazzini int. Marco Polo
Phone: 0584 811.45, 0584 280.395,
Fax 0584 894.19
City website
Reliability: good
Update Date: 08/12/2019
Type: stable
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