In Lucca Restricted Area (Lucca ZTL ), only four wheel vehicles can't enter without any authorization, therefore motorcycles and scooters can enter without any problem.
It is forbidden to enter vehicles over 3,5 tonnes , too
Authorized vehicles can deliver goods in Lucca ZTL:
a) from Monday to Saturday from 6,30 to 10,45 and from 15,30 to 16,00 (newspapers is possible on not working days, too); parking no longer than 30 minutes;
b) pedestrian area from Monday; to Saturday from 6,30 to 10,45 and from 15,30 to 16,00 (newspapers is possible on not working days, too); parking no longer than 15 minutes.
There are different rules for delivering medicines and perishable goods.
Vehicles for disabled people can always enter in Lucca ZTL but they need to register your plate number filling in the application they can find Ufficio permessi.
If they need an occasional entrance they must call green number 800 94 43 53before your entrance. they must give the following information:
Plate number,
Disabled permit
If green number is not working you must call it no longer than 48 hours after the entrance.
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