
Region: City: Tlz/Parking:
Estensione ZTL
Orario e giorni di funzionamento
Veicoli Ammessi
Soggetti Autorizzati
Orario accesso per carico e scarico
Accesso disabili
Clienti di Alberghi e Affittacamere o Case di riposo
Permessi temporanei
Se sono entrato senza autorizzazione posso sanare la mia posizione
Ufficio di riferimento
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Mestre Restricted Area: Map, Time, Parkings, Cameras

ZTL Areas (AR)

Where enforced cameras are

ZTL working time and days

Admitted vehicles

Authorized people

Time for loading and unloading goods

Disabled access

Hotel guests access

Temporary permits

If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?

Competent Office

City website

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ZTL Areas (AR)

Mestre restricted area (ZTL Mestre) is divided into four different areas.

  • A2  concerning: Piazza Ferretto, Via Palazzo, Via Garibaldi, via Torre Belfredo, , via De Fanti, via Spalti, via G. Bruno, via S. Rocco, Porta Bruno, p.tta Mater, via Pio X,  via Magellano, via pescheria vecchia, via Allegri, calle del Sale, via Fratelli Rondina, Via Poerio;
  • A3 concerning:: via A. da Mestre, via Ospedale, p.tta Battisti, via Filzi, via Sauro, riviera XX settembre, via Mazzini, via Verdi;
  • A7 concerning: via Sapri, via Mestrina, via Sarvognan, via ca' Venier.
  • A6 concerning: via Poerio, via Rosa, via Pascoli e via Brenta Vecchia
Since 2016 there also:
  • Pedestrian area concerning: vie Poerio, largo Divisione Julia, Rosa, piazzale Donatori di sangue, Verdi , riviera XX settembre, Respighi, piazzale Donatori di sangue (part), via Verdi (part), Riviera XX settembre (part)
  • experimental ZTL concerning vie G. Verdi (from via Circonvallazione to via Mazzini) and G. Mazzini all day from 9.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. .

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Where enforced cameras are
Access to Mestre ZTL is watched by 6 cameras located in:
  • via Via Pio X
  • Via S. Rocco - via Manin
  • Via Brenta Vecchia
  • Viale Garibaldi incrocio via Spalti
  • Via D. Manin - intersection via San Rocco
  • Via Torre Belfredo - intersection via D. Manin

There are 3 cameras watching bus lane located in:

  • Via Colombo, intersection Caneve
  • Via Capuccina intersection via tasso
  • Via Olivi (nnot working now)

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ZTL working time and days

Mestre ZTL  works  every day from 0.00 to 24.00

Now the following gates don't work:
1. via Colombo;2. via Cappuccina;3. via torre Belfredo;4. viale Garibaldi;

Via Verdi e Mazzini Night ZTL (in Italian ZTL) works every day from 21.00 to 6.00.

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Admitted vehicles

In Mestre Restricted Area (Mestre ZTL ), only four wheel vehicles can't enter without any authorization, therefore motorcycles and scooters can enter without any problem.

Since 1 febbraio 2010 ZTL is forbidden to petrol and diesel vehicles euro 1.

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Authorized people

The following kinds of people can enter in Mestre ZTL :

  • Residents;
  • Dimorants;
  • Private car park owners;
  • Public Administrations;
  • First Aid;
  • Delivery goods;
  • Public transport;
  • Disabled people;
  • Taxi and NCC;
  • Car sharing;
  • Electric vehicles;
  • Surveillance;
  • Tow truck;
  • Press;
  • Visiting Doctors;
  • Delivery food goods for canteen;
  • Delivery urgent medical goods;
  • Delivery goods;
  • ECO vehicles.

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Time for loading and unloading goods
Authorized vehicles can deliver goods in Mestre ZTL:

It is call 'ECO' vehicles:

  • no ECO vehicles:
    • 1) from 06.00 to 7.30;
    • 2) from 09.00 to 10.30;
    • 3) from 13.30 to 15.30;
    • Methane, or GPL, or elettric or Hybrid;
    • full rate at the beginning of trip more tham 70% (volume or weight);
    • GPS systen implemeneted .
  • ECO vehicles:
    • 1) from 06.00 to 07.30
    • 2) from 09.00 to 11.30
    • 3) from 13.00 to 16.30

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disabled access
Vehicles for disabled people can always enter in Mestre ZTL.If they need to enter without any authorization you have to inform Local Police within 48 hours since you entered.They must fill in the application and send it to ufficio ZTL del comune di Venezia.

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Hotel guests access
Hotel guests can enter in Mestre ZTL for loading and unloading luggage.It is up hotel Guests to say car plate to Local Police.

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Temporary permits
Local Police may give temporary access authorizations in Mestre Restricted Area after production of motion for these categories:
  • services
  • disabled people
  • weddings and funerals
  • move
  • market

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If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?
If you got in Mestre Restricted Area without any authorization you can't avoid a fine except urgenties.In these cases, you have to inform Local Police within 48 hours since you entered filling in the application and sending it by fax to ZTL office.

You can avoid the fine for these reasons:

  • Bringing ill or disabled people to ambulatory located in Mestre Restricted area;
  • Disabled people or Hotel guests;
  • market;
  • Visiting doctors.

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Competent Office

Ufficio ZTL

located in: via Antonio da Mestre n. 1

Phone: 041.988879 Fax: 041.989776

Opening timea: -On Monday 8:30 - 13:00 - On Tuesday 8:30 - 13:00 / 14:30 - 17:00 - On Wednesday 8:30 - 13:00 - On Thursday 8:30 - 13:00 - On Friday 8:30 - 13:00 / 14:30 - 17:00 - On Saturday 8:30 - 12:30

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City website

AVM SPA Venezia

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