
Region: City: Tlz/Parking:
Estensione ZTL
Orario e giorni di funzionamento
Veicoli Ammessi
Soggetti Autorizzati
Orario accesso per carico e scarico
Accesso disabili
Clienti di Alberghi e Affittacamere o Case di riposo
Permessi temporanei
Se sono entrato senza autorizzazione posso sanare la mia posizione
Ufficio di riferimento
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Bologna University zone: Map, Time, Parkings, Cameras


ZTL Areas (AR)

Where enforced cameras are

ZTL working time and days

Admitted vehicles

Authorized people

Time for loading and unloading goods

Disabled access

Hotel guests access

Temporary permits

If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?

Competent Office

City website

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ZTL Areas (AR)

University Zone is diveded in two zones by via Zamboni.

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Where enforced cameras are
Access to Bologna University Zone ZTL is watched by 2 cameras located in via Bertoloni and in via Belmeloro.

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ZTL working time and days

University Zone work every day from 0.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m..

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Admitted vehicles

In Bologna University zone Restricted Area (Bologna University zone ZTL ), any kind of vehicles without any authorization can't enter, even motorcycles and scooters must be allowed to enter.

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Authorized people

The following kinds of people can enter in Bologna ZTL :

  • Bycicles.
  • Public transport;
  • Car Sharing;

The following kinds of people can  enter in Bologna ZTL without any authorizations (ypu must tell your plate number):

  • Disabled people,
  • Electrive vehicles.
  • Taxi e NCC
  • Police and Emergency vehicles

From 20 to 7 Am, residents and Dimorants can get to enter guests or partner vehicles.

From 7 a.m. to 7 morning after, residents without car can get to enter guests or partner vehicles.

It is possible for some shop to get permission to enter to their customers for delivering bulky goods.

For more informations, look at authorized people

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Time for loading and unloading goods

Permit F (esercizi ZTL), DS (c/proprio e c/terzi) - DSI (installatori) can park in riserved slot no longer than 20 minutes with these time slots:

  • vehicles NON ECO (Pre euro, Euro 1, 2, 3 e euro 4 Diesel): from 6 to 7.30 and from14.30 to 16.30
  • vehicles ECO (Euro 4 petrol and Euro 5 e 6): from 6 to 10.30 and from14 to 17
  • vehicles methane and GPL: from 6 to 12.30 and from14 to 17

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disabled access
Vehicles for disabled people can always enter in Bologna ZTL but you need to register your plate number. Before your entrance you must fill completely the following application and send it by fax 051 4686080.
You can also fill in all your information by  this link: Disabled people from other country .
You must attach your sign and your ID.

You can't absolutely enter in AREA T on Saturday, on Sunday and on not working days.

If you need to enter without authorization you have to inform Local Police within 2 days since you entered.
You must give the following information:
  • Plate number,
  • Date and time you entered,
  • your disabled permit.

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Hotel guests access
There aren't any hotels in Bologna University zone ZTL.

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Temporary permits

Local police can give authorizations by 96 hours permits .

There are particular rules about:

  1. Via Rizzoli , via U.Bassi via Indipendenza , (la c.d. area T)
  2. Pedestrian area
  3. Bus lane
  4. Piazza Maggiore and near streets (P.zza Nettuno, P.zza Re Enzo, via Archiginnasio, via de'Pignattari, P.zza Galvani, via D'Azeglio, via IV Novembre)

For more information look at 96 hours permit

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If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?
If you got in Bologna University Zones Restricted Area without any authorization you can 't avoid a fine.

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Competent Office

Polizia Municipale Bologna

Sportello mobilità urbana

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City website

www. comune.Bologna

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