
Region: City: Tlz/Parking:
Estensione ZTL
Orario e giorni di funzionamento
Veicoli Ammessi
Soggetti Autorizzati
Orario accesso per carico e scarico
Accesso disabili
Clienti di Alberghi e Affittacamere o Case di riposo
Permessi temporanei
Se sono entrato senza autorizzazione posso sanare la mia posizione
Ufficio di riferimento
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Poggibonsi Restricted Area: Map, Time, Parkings, Cameras


ZTL Areas (AR)

Where enforced cameras are

ZTL working time and days

Admitted vehicles

Authorized people

Time for loading and unloading goods

Disabled access

Hotel guests access

Temporary permits

If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?

Competent Office

City website

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ZTL Areas (AR)
In Poggibonsi there are one pedestrian area and two ZTL
  • Pedestrian area concerns the following streets: - Via della Repubblica, from Largo Gramsci to P.zza Cavour; - Via Pertini; - P.zza Matteotti, from via Borgo Marturi to Via Pertini; - P.zza Cavour; - Via Becheroni; - Via Veneto, from P.zza Savonarola to P.zza F.lli Rosselli; - Via Simone da Poggibonsi; - P.zza Nagy; - Vicolo Ciaspini, from Via Montorsoli to Via Gallurì; - Vicolo Buonaccorsi; - Via dei Mercanti; - part of P.zza F.lli Rosselli;
  • Permanent ZTL concerns the following streets: - Via Riesci; - P.zza Savonarola; - Via Rugi; - Via Curiel; - Via Veneto, from P.zza Savonarola to P.zza Frilli; - part of P.zza F.lli Rosselli, - Via Frà Nicolao; - Via della Rocca; - Via delle Chiavi; - Vicolo Fracassini; - P.zza San Lorenzo; - Via della Repubblica, from P.zza Cavour to Via San Francesco; - Via Trieste, from Via della Repubblica to Via San Francesco; - Via Marmocchi; - Vicolo Ciaspini, from Via Marmocchi to Via Gallurì; - Vicolo del Poggiarello; - Via Gallurì; - Via Frilli; - Via Montorsoli; - Largo Gramsci, nella parte adiacente le Vie della Repubblica, Montorsoli e Grandi; - P.zza Amendola; - Via Grandi;
  • Daily ZTL concerns the following streets: - Via San Francesco - Via S. Martini; - Via Trieste, from Via San Francesco to Via Senese; - P.zza Frilli; - Via Borgo Marturi, from P.zza Matteotti to Via Marmocchi; - Via Dietro le Mura; - Via Poggiobonizio; - Via Bonizio Segni; - Via Badia; - Via L. Da Vinci; - Via Balugano da Crema; - Via San Lucchese.

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Where enforced cameras are
Access to Poggibonsi ZTL is watched by 7 cameras located in:
  • Via Riesci;
  • Via Trieste, intersection Via San Francesco;
  • Via Marmocchi, intersection vicolo Ciaspini
  • Via Grandi, intersection Via Borgo Marturi
  • L.go Gramsci  
  • Via Borgo Marturi  intersection P.zza Matteotti
  • Via San Francesco

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ZTL working time and days
Permanent Poggibonsi ZTL works every day from 0.00 to 24.00.
Daily Poggibonsi ZTL  works every day from 14.00 to 20.00.

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Admitted vehicles

In Poggibonsi Restricted Area (Poggibonsi ZTL ), only four wheel vehicles can't enter without any authorization, therefore motorcycles and scooters can enter without any problem.

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Authorized people

The following kinds of people can enter in Poggibonsi ZTL :

a) Local Administration;
b) Police and Military.;
c) Public Administration and diplomatic corps;
d) ASL, Salute and Fondazione Territori Alta Valdelsa company;
f) First aid;
g) Public Transports;
h) Civil Protections;
i) Health and funerals;
j) Delivery urgent medical goods.

The following kinds of people can enter in Poggibonsi ZTL :

a) Public utilities;
b) Italian mail;
c) Armoured;
e) tow truck;
f) Press;
g) taxi and NCC.

The following kinds of people can get authorization to enter in Poggibonsi ZTL :

a) Residents in ZTL or APU;
b) Dimorants in ZTL or APU ;
c) Visiting Doctors;
d) Elettric Vehicles;
e) Bringing residents under 14 years old ;
f)  Home care;
g) Private park owners;
h) Shops and Artisans.

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Time for loading and unloading goods
Shop Authorized vehicles can deliver goods in Poggibonsi ZTL on opening time.
Authorized vehicles can deliver goods in Poggibonsi ZTL:
  • 7.00/10.00
  • 15.30/16.30
Authorized vehicles can deliver goods in Poggibonsi APU but it can't happen from 16.30 to 20.00.

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disabled access
Vehicles for disabled people can always enter in Poggibonsi ZTL but they need to register their plate number. They  must fill in the application form they can download from city website (http://www.comune.poggibonsi.si.it/), and give the following information
  • Disabled people name;
  • Permit disabled numebr;
  • Local Administration who granted it;
  • Expiration date;
  • Plate number;
  • vehicles type;
  • vehicles owner.
They must sent it choosing among:
If they need to enter without any authorization they have to inform Local Police within 48 hours since they entered.
There are two possbilities:
a) before entrance call 0577/986555 giving the following information:
  • Disabled people name;
  • Permit disabled numebr;
  • Local Administration who granted it;
  • Expiration date;
  • Plate number;
  • vehicles type.
b) within 48 hours since they entered call ); call 0577/986555 giving the information you see above.

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Hotel guests access
There aren't any hotel in Poggibonsi ZTL.

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Temporary permits
Local Police may give temporary access authorizations in Poggibonsi Restricted Area after production of motion for these reasons:
  • services
  • delivery goods
  • weddings and funerals
  • occurencies
  • market
  • movies

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If I got into ZTL without any permission, is it possible to revoke the fine ?
If you got in Poggibonsi Restricted Area without any authorization you can't avoid a fine except you can prove you can't get authorization before entrance.
In these cases, you have to inform Local Police within 48 hours since you entered.
The documentation must includ:
  • transit reasons,
  • plate numbers,
  • entrance gate,
  • date and hour of entrance.
You can download the application from city website.
You can send documentation choosing among:

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Competent Office

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City website

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